Sunday, September 14, 2014

It’s Time To Say Goodbye Nokia!

In life, many times we are aware of things that are about to happen yet when they happen you feel really unhappy. This is true even for Nokia brand. We knew when Microsoft had taken over the company that will eventually be fading out the Nokia brand and now it is happening for real.
Having grown up in an era where mobile was synonymous with Nokia, it makes me really sad that the brand is going to be around only for a few more days.
As per an internal document obtained by GeekOnGadgets, Nokia Lumia 730 and Lumia 830 are the last smartphones to come with the Nokia branding. However, the devices will continue to have the Lumia branding.
Another change that will take place is that the operating system will now be now referred as just Windows rather than Windows Phone. Well, this move makes a lot of sense as it shows Microsoft's intent to be seen as one operating system across various devices be it mobiles, tablets, or computers.
As a matter of fact, the "Phone" in the OS name was also dropped in the recently launched Windows edition of HTC One (M8).
Coming back to Nokia, we sure know that the brand has lived its days of glory with great price. We still can't think of any mobile that has been such a rage as Nokia N-Gage, Nokia 6600, or even Nokia 1100 had been in India. At the end, all I can say right now is RIP Nokia, you will always be missed.


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