Xiaomi’s Hugo Barra explained to the event’s Singapore audience that the company will use the same customer-focused tactics in Singapore as it does in China – such as listening to users and making small changes to the product throughout its lifecycle based on what they say. Xiaomi will have a service store in Singapore that’s only for repairs, just as it does in China. Sales will be conducted online or via partner telcos, but telcos may set their own prices.
No plans yet for US and Europe
Xiaomi is also looking closely at India, Barra says, where it’s actively looking for partners. Those four, mentioned specifically by the company at today’s event, look to be the next markets for launch.
However, Barra described the US and European markets as far too difficult at the moment. And so the disruptive Chinese phone-maker looks set to focus on Asia for growth of its brand.
Xiaomi isn’t actually the first Chinese smartphone brand to look to Asia for expansion, as Oppo, Meizu, and Coolpad have been doing the same thing with their Android-based phones in the past year.
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